High School News
School Fees
PaySchools Pay School Fees Online
School fees can then be paid online using PaySchools(see the link above) or in the HS office. You are welcome to send them in an envelope with your student. Any fees not paid will roll over to the next school year. All fees must be paid to receive their diploma. If you still owe fees a statement went out this week in the mail.
March 21st, End of Q3. Popcorn Friday. It's $1 a bag. Money collected is going to a family in the district who's mom is battling breast cancer. Please wear pink to show support.
March 24th, 2 hour delay.
March 31st, The Red Cross Blood Drive will be here from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anyone ages 16 (with parental permission) and up, in good health, and weighing at least 110 pounds is eligible to donate. You can scan the QR code on the posters around the school or go to redcrossblood.org (search for Fairview High School) to schedule an appointment. Please see Mrs. Woodring if you have any questions.
April 15th, ELA II Part 1 State Testing
April 17th, ELA II Part 2 State Testing
April 23rd, American History and Government State Testing
April 29th, Geometry Part 1 or Algebra I Part 1 State Testing
April 30th, Geometry Part 2 or Algebra I Part 2 State Testing
May 6th, Biology State Testing
Future School Cancellations Plan
In lieu of having to make up school days in June and to utilize our previously implemented effective remote learning plan, the Central Local School District will now provide a REMOTE LEARNING day when we have inclement weather and need to cancel classes at school.
Future school cancellation notices will be posted and announced as a REMOTE LEARNING DAY.
Teachers have the option of posting a pre-recorded lesson, holding live Google Meet lessons, or emailing students activities to complete in place of in-person learning. Students should check Google Classroom for announcements and posted lessons. Live lessons (if teachers choose to do so) will not start before 10:14am.
Teachers will begin discussing specific details of the expectations for Remote Learning Days and the handling of due dates for assignments with students in the near future..
Attendance will be based upon assignment completion.